The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Results With Performance Email Marketing

Get The Guide

What will you learn?

How the combination of email and performance marketing can give you the best chance for new customer acquisition. 

A detailed, 7-step process for achieving the marketing and acquisition results you want.

The history and lifecycle of email. Why it's here to stay and how you can utilize it to use it for better marketing results. 

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Who is Madrivo?

Madrivo is a performance-based marketing agency dedicated to multichannel customer acquisition solutions. Our unique services feature an exclusive network of vetted traffic sources that respect your brand while delivering quality and high-converting consumers. Learn more about our variety of performance-based marketing solutions and customer acquisition services.

A Sneak Peek

We’ve heard time and time again how email isn’t built to last. (Does anyone else remember when it was going to be beaten by the fax machine or direct mail?) Yet, over and over, email has proved itself as one of the most direct and comprehensive ways to capture your audience’s attention.

In fact, in 2020, during the global pandemic, daily email usage among consumers went up 4% and is expected to continue rising. Consumers are looking to buy and email is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to communicate with your customers and make sales.

However, it’s no longer 1978 and with 306 billion emails sent daily, sending a random marketing email won’t be enough to get the big results you want. You want to have an engaging headline, an attractive offer, and a list of consumers who are ready to buy. That’s where the perfect blend of marketing strategy and performance email marketing comes into play.